
Monday, August 4, 2014

That's What Dreamers For

Please call me my first name, Louis, if you want.

San Diego Comic-Con International is getting better for entertainment. But for me, I'm not that interested of other comics and manga. Instead, I tried to write a novel. deviantArt includes elastic characters, few fatties, a lot of dragons, and more.

Getting started

Before I begin, I drew a picture of me at the church. I drew more characters in these days. But most of them are forgotten for a long time.

Three of my most favorite characters are Mumdra, Pecky, and Taila. They became friends since childhood. One of my second-most favorite characters is Stretch, Mumdra's rival. He loves to stretch.

Let's get started with my early logo. I titled it, Louis Xiang Comics. As you can see that I like sketches, reference sheets, comic strips, and storyboards.

Now I'm drawing a house with Taila and her family.

About Taila

Taila is a bipedal non-winged purple dragon who lives with her family. She made friends with Mumdra and Pecky.

Snafu Comics

Snafu Comics has a few comics with crossovers. I may be heartbroken. But the cartoonists wanted discontinued or cancelled cartoons to bring back to life.


My parents saw that it was pornography, such as latex suits, skinsuits, peeing without going to a toilet, boobs, big butts, sexy tongues, and committing adultery. So they blocked this website and gave me a boring punishment. I just don't care about any punishment. At least there is no strong language can be found.

Avoiding sexuality

I think I should stop watching pornography right now. My brother, Lim Shou Ze, saw what I had done. Remember Uncle Kim Fatt told me that you see private parts when you're married? I'm sure did.

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