
Friday, March 21, 2014

Drawing Muffet, Dinga, and Portama

I'm going to show you that I'm about to draw some comic strips. But first, I going to talk about the Pokémon series. I'm no longer satisfied with Pokémon because I'm heartbroken again. Anyway, there are three titles I have.

This title is called Dirterra: The Land of Peace. It features Muffet de Vanto, Marlon von Tamella, Derk Rellicus, Malia Alva, Mude de Vanto, Owlmud the Young, and more. Muffet is a Dirterrian mud man who lived in a small mud house. He works as a dirt gatherer. In Book One, he and his friends are talking to each other in Florikev. They befriended a village leader, Owlmud. It reveals that Muffet's full name is Muffelito de Juan von Bella de Vanto.

Since I drew Cliff, he is an immortal loser and Muffet's arch-enemy. He lost many friends when he turned from a mutant into a monster. And now he is homeless for the rest of his eternal life. Everyone hates him. No one ever needs him. He only looked at a stump where his home is.

Another title is called Dinga: The Adventures in Mudella City. It features Dinga, Flora, Awa, Emperor Turk, Tuki, and more. Dinga is a North Mudellian mud man who lived in a small mud apartment. Flora is a naga from South Mudella who loves butterflies and flowers. But Tuki is a grumpy mud man who hates snakes and works as a dirt gatherer.

And another title is called Portama and the Power of God. It features Portama, Coil, and more. Portama is a South Mudellian mud man who believed in God and lived in the village of Zencho. Coil is Flora's younger brother. He loves to coil everyone.

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